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Onchain content co-creation.

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MHP Techno Creathon

An Open Call for a Techno Co-Creation Movement. MHP will design the entire co-creation model, lead operations, and select the music of the co-creators to be included in the final selection.

You Can Join As a Co-creator:

  • Contribute to a techno co-creation movement led by MHP.
  • Submit your work for a chance to be part of a collective music creation.
  • Selected pieces result in co-creator status, offering profit sharing.
  • Enjoy benefits like album features, access to music platforms, and live performances in Berlin or Shanghai alongside top producers.

As a Shareholder:

  • Pre-purchase tickets for future performances and secure a share of the profits.
  • Influence the project by contributing samples for musician use.
  • Experience the unique synergy of live techno events in two dynamic cities: Berlin and Shanghai.
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Manager & Initiator

Axis/Molecular/Seclusion/Nightvision Ma Haiping is one of the most influential Techno musicians in China. His music is favored by Jeff Mills, played by Ben Sims, Ken Ishii, DVS 1, Rødhåd, Kr!z, Rene Wise, Setaoc Mass. He has performed on the same stage with dozens of international artists such as Juan Atkins, Robert Hood, Surgeon, and Oscar Mulero.

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Welcomes all writers with a variety of perspectives and ideologies! Thou contribute entries, defining architecture, mountains, rivers, sea, and more! You will clarify the history and turning points with your unique thoughts! From A to Z, all pages are empty while all events are thirsty to be found inside the Novapedia.

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Karl Ding

Manager & Initiator

Wherever you from, Novapedia!

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Cocktail and the City: Sips and Stories

Step into "Cocktail and the City," a spirited journey connecting cocktails with urban tales. This project is an open call to mixologists, city lovers, and storytellers to blend their favorite cocktail recipes with anecdotes inspired by the cities they love. Your contribution is more than a list of ingredients; it's an urban story served in a glass. Whether it's a drink that encapsulates the vibe of New York's bustling streets, the serene ambiance of a Parisian café, or the exotic flavors of Bangkok's night markets, your cocktail is a liquid narrative. This collection aims to be a global toast to cities and their unique stories. We're looking for original recipes, personal reflections, and city-based inspirations that add depth and character to each drink. Join "Cocktail and the City" to celebrate the diverse cultures and flavors that shape our urban experiences. Share your mix, stir up memories, and let's create a tapestry of city-inspired cocktails and the tales they tell.

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Manager & Initiator

Concoct and share your city-inspired cocktail recipes in 'Cocktail and the City,' where every sip tells a story.

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Stochastic Error

It takes 271.828 years to travel from the Frontier Planet to the Central Planet. The most efficient way to travel between distant planets is quantum teleportation based on quantum entanglement. However, it involves a very complex reconstruction process with a stochastic error rate 2%. In a sense, there is about 2% of the body changed after the teleportation. Dr. Morning Hoar has been spending 3 years after graduation mitigating the teleportation error as the statistics show that 72.82% of the total cases the brain undertakes the most error. Very often the people who take the teleportation tend to have misaligned memory that causes the frustration of the people around. Dr. Hoar is now launching a research project called One Piece and starts to recruit volunteers to verify his hypothesis that: if one quickly recalls the most important matters before teleportation and holds firm belief in them, these memories would be intact.

You Can Join As a Co-creator:

  • Luo, a soldier who lost his wife during a frontier battle to get the precious ore Ø that serves as the consumable for the quantum teleportor, after once over dosed with drugs to relieve the pain he accidentally killed his son.
  • Jane, who is a natural optimist that considers the stochastic error is bestowed from the god for more possibility and diversity.
  • Suzi, a cyborg, is curious that if the error could give back her beautiful ear, as her favorite earrings are the last gifts from her mother and she gains great orgasm from the caresses on the ears.
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Dr. Morning Hoar

Manager & Initiator

Am I still the one I used to be?

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Wanderlust: Around the World in Stories

Dive into 'Wanderlust,' a lively collection of travel stories and guides from around the world. We're calling adventurers, bloggers, and anyone with a tale from their travels to contribute. Your story might be about a hidden beach, a bustling city, or a journey off the beaten path.

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Join 'Wanderlust' to share and discover thrilling travel tales and insider tips from globe-trotters.

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Lovers, 2099

Lovers, in the year of 2099, remain the beating heart of humanity. Yet they navigate a realm of love redefined, embarking on sagas that transcend conventional boundaries. Relationships become as complex as they are profound. Emotions are not only felt but engineered. Heartbeats are in unison with the pulse of civilization. Affections are echoing through cosmos in ways we are yet to comprehend. What’s the quintessence of love?Example explorations:- The Intergalactic Romance: In 2099, humanity colonizes distant planets. Two lovers, separated by light-years, find a way to forge a deep, unbreakable bond.- The Paradox of Choice: In a society where every aspect of a partner is customizable, a couple longs for the unpredictability and genuine discovery of old-fashioned love.- The Time Capsule: When time travel is possible but regulated, two historians in love leave messages in various eras, turning the 21st century into their secret garden.- Other creative lenses beyond narratives — music, visual arts, innovative designs. Imagine the albums that become the soundtrack of weddings, the design of dating spaces, and the food that might symbolize loves in 2099.Every exploration is a constellation, each tale holding a unique pattern in this new epoch, waiting for you to chart its course.

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We must experience it all — despair, horror, sadness. Then we are truly forged, truly alive.

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My story to the heart of the tree hollow

One day, a squirrel discovered a tree hollow. The squirrel decided to take possession of this tree hollow. Every time the squirrel stored a pinecone inside, the tree hollow would pour out a story.

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Manager & Initiator

An engineering lass with dreams of the literary arts. I am a Ph.D. in information security, working with psychologists and lawyers on privacy matters.

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Bubble Observers S2

Welcome to the enthralling world of 'Bubble Observers,' a science fiction series that beckons viewers to embark on an extraordinary journey through the cosmic voids where reality bends and time bubbles warp existence.

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Manager & Initiator

Extreme Tech/Science Optimist; Digital Citizen; Inquirer of the Unknown.

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Insistency: A typeface from co-creation

Imagine each character corresponding to a unique vector graphic, and then compiling these into a collection for release.

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Race Li

Manager & Initiator

Co-initiator of magipop. Let's create, have fun and be chill.

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Chronoslices: Reflecting Times

'Chronoslices' is a unique anthology that blends sci-fi, satire, and social commentary, inspired by the likes of Bulgakov and Orwell.

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Annie Karen

Manager & Initiator

Join 'Chronoslices,' a creative journey to craft 10 satirical sci-fi stories that mirror and critique different eras and societal issues.

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Eccentricity: The Collaborative Creation of a Digital Magazine Where Technology Is Not Just a Tool, but a Culture in Its Own Right.

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Race Li

Manager & Initiator

Co-initiator of magipop. Let's create, have fun and be chill.

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